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Let’s face it—WordPress rocks. From its humble beginnings as to the CMS powerhouse it is known as today, WordPress has proven to be the choice of champions among designers, developers and pro bloggers alike. But what is it that truly makes WordPress stand apart from contending CMSs such as Drupal or Joomla?

让我们面对现实吧-WordPress摇滚。 从最初的到今天被称为CMS的强大企业,WordPress已被证明是设计师,开发人员和专业博客作者中的冠军之选。 但是,什么才能真正使WordPress脱颖而出呢?例如Drupal或Joomla等竞争激烈的CMS?

It’s all about plugins.


The WordPress community is heavily driven by ambitious plugin developers who work day and night to extend its out-of-the-box functionality and provide users with robust features and advanced functionality. In fact, there are so many plugins available for the WordPress platform that whenever a client asks if a certain task can be performed, the answer is usually, “Yes, there’s a plugin for that.”

WordPress社区受到雄心勃勃的插件开发人员的强烈驱动,他们昼夜不停地工作以扩展其即用型功能,并为用户提供强大的功能和高级功能。 实际上,WordPress平台上有太多可用的插件,以至于每当客户询问是否可以执行某项任务时,答案通常是:“是的,为此有一个插件。”

In the time-honored tradition of ‘top 10’ articles and ‘best of’ blog posts, I thought it would be appropriate to showcase some of the best premium (paid) WordPress plugins for 2012. Hopefully, you’ll be able to take away a few gems that will increase your site value and increase the value of WordPress related services you offer your clients—without breaking the bank!


重力形式 (Gravity Forms)


Personally, my business wouldn’t be what it is today without . From roofing companies to home theater specialists, Gravity Forms is by far the most valuable feature I offer my local business/website clients. Not only is it dreadfully easy to build web forms, and place them anywhere imaginable, Gravity Forms also acts as a CRM of sorts, organizing form entries into a list—giving administrators the ability to edit and add notes to individual submissions as well as a boat load of free add-ons, available for paid users. Pricing starts at $39 for a single site license and $199 for a developer’s license.

就个人而言,如果没有 ,我的生意将不会是今天。 从屋顶公司到家庭影院专家,Gravity Forms是迄今为止我为本地企业/网站客户提供的最有价值的功能。 Gravity Forms不仅非常容易构建Web表单并将其放置在任何可以想象的位置,而且还可以充当各种CRM,将表单条目组织到列表中,从而使管理员能够编辑单个提交的注释并将其添加到单个提交中。免费附件的船载,供付费用户使用。 单站点许可证的起价为39美元,开发人员许可证的起价为199美元。

SEOPressor (SEOPressor)


For those of you who are in the business of SEO and name WordPress as your CMS weapon of choice, takes free plugins like All in One SEO Pack to the next level. Developed by Daniel Tan, SEOPressor acts as an onboard internet marketing expert, analyzing your content and providing you with a checklist of on-page items to help you rank better in search engine results. Once installed, the plugin analyzes your heading tags (h1, h2, h3), keyword density, placement, images, and links—providing you with tips and scores to improve your ranking position. Pricing starts at $47 for a single site license, and $97 for a multisite license.

对于那些从事SEO业务并将WordPress选为CMS武器的人来说, 可以将免费插件(如All in One SEO Pack)提升到一个新的水平。 SEOPressor由Daniel Tan开发,是机载互联网营销专家,可以分析您的内容并为您提供页面项清单,以帮助您在搜索引擎结果中排名更高。 安装后,该插件会分析您的标题标签( h1h2h3 ),关键字密度,位置,图像和链接-为您提供提示和分数,以提高您的排名。 单站点许可证的起价为47美元,多站点许可证的起价为97美元。

白标品牌 (White Label Branding)


If you’re a designer or developer who builds WordPress-powered websites for your clients, then this plugin will ensure your installations look professional and completely customized. gives you total control over the look and feel of your website’s backend—from placing your client’s logo on the sign-in screen to controlling the wp-admin color scheme, user roles, and capabilities. Though this plugin is more of an aesthetic solution, it’s definitely one that will separate you from your competitors. Pricing starts at $25 for a regular license, and $125 for an extended license.

如果您是为客户构建由WordPress驱动的网站的设计师或开发人员,则此插件将确保您的安装看起来专业且完全自定义。 让您完全控制网站后端的外观,从将客户的徽标放置在登录屏幕上到控制wp-admin配色方案,用户角色和功能。 尽管此插件更像是一种美学解决方案,但绝对是一款可以将您与竞争对手区分开的解决方案。 普通许可证的起价为25美元,扩展许可证的起价为125美元。

视觉作曲家 (Visual Composer)


There are plenty of people, like myself, who are comfortable with basic HTML, design and image editing, but would rather focus on the business and marketing side of things. transforms your standard WordPress installation into a robust drag-and-drop visual editor, allowing you to create complex page layouts with tabs, columns, sliders, galleries, social plugins, call to action boxes, and more—all with a few clicks of the mouse. Sure, you can fork out $100–$300 for similar themes like PageLines or Headway, but for a fraction of the cost ($25 for a regular license) Visual Composer is a no-brainer.

和我一样,有很多人对基本HTML,设计和图像编辑很满意,但宁愿专注于事物的业务和营销方面。 将您的标准WordPress安装转换为功能强大的拖放式可视编辑器,使您可以使用标签,列,滑块,图库,社交插件,号召性用语等来创建复杂的页面布局,所有这些都可以通过鼠标单击几下。 当然,您可以为类似的主题(如PageLines或Headway)支付100至300美元,但只需花费一小部分费用(常规许可证为25美元),Visual Composer就是一件容易的事。

WP Video Gallery (WP Video Gallery)


Now I’m not trying to say that WordPress doesn’t handle video well—because it does—but the demand for high quality video experiences is increasing. So naturally, expanding your site’s video playback capabilities is the next step. performs seamlessly from desktop to tablet to smartphone, allowing site owners the ability to feed videos from their hosting account, YouTube, Vimeo, s3 Amazon, and even plain old images and audio files. Cross-browser compatibility and custom skins ensures your videos always look and play in amazing quality. Pricing starts at $15 for a regular license and $75 for an extended license.

现在,我并不是要说WordPress不能很好地处理视频,因为它可以处理,但是对高质量视频体验的需求正在增长。 因此,下一步自然就是扩展站点的视频播放功能。 从台式机到平板电脑再到智能手机都可以无缝执行,使网站所有者可以从其托管帐户,YouTube,Vimeo,s3 Amazon甚至普通的旧图像和音频文件中馈送视频。 跨浏览器的兼容性和自定义外观可确保您的视频始终以惊人的质量呈现和播放。 普通许可证的起价为15美元,扩展许可证的起价为75美元。

CSS3 Web定价表 (CSS3 Web Pricing Tables)


Whether you’re a developer or a DIY SEO consultant that works with local businesses, pricing tables can be a serious pain in the behind. Sure, creating them might not be hard, but making them easy to update and visually pleasing often requires outside assistance. is a neat little plugin that makes creating pricing tables a breeze—and your clients will love them! It boasts two table, 20 color, and 60 ribbon styles alongside CSS3 tooltips, a custom admin panel, and more. With no JavaScript involved, compatibility is never an issue. Pricing starts at $15 for a regular license, and $75 for an extended license.

无论您是与本地企业合作的开发人员还是DIY SEO顾问,定价表在背后都可能会给您带来极大的痛苦。 当然,创建它们可能并不难,但是要使其易于更新和视觉愉悦通常需要外界的帮助。 是一个简洁的小插件,使创建定价表变得轻而易举-您的客户会喜欢它们! 它拥有两种表格,20种颜色和60种功能区样式,以及CSS3工具提示,自定义管理面板等。 不涉及JavaScript,兼容性永远不会成为问题。 普通许可证的起价为15美元,扩展许可证的起价为75美元。

5秒谷歌地图 (5sec Google Maps)


Have you ever tried to input Google Maps code into the HTML view of your WordPress post editor, only to realize that when you switched back to the visual editor view and saved, the map was gone? Well the plugin is the perfect solution for this problem. With 12 predefined markers, customizable bubble descriptions, and the ability to have multiple maps on a single page/post, this plugin not only gives you the ability to enhance the appearance of your maps, but it’s also super easy to implement—just pop in a shortcode and you’re off to the races! Pricing starts at $8 for a regular license, and $40 for an extended license.

您是否曾经尝试过将Google Maps代码输入到WordPress帖子编辑器HTML视图中,却意识到当您切换回可视编辑器视图并保存后,地图消失了吗? 插件是解决此问题的完美解决方案。 借助12个预定义的标记,可自定义的气泡描述以及在单个页面/帖子上具有多个地图的功能,此插件不仅使您能够增强地图的外观,而且超级易于实现-只需弹出简码,您就可以参加比赛了! 普通许可证的起价为8美元,扩展许可证的起价为40美元。

WordPress新闻通讯插件 (WordPress Newsletter Plugin)


Imagine being able to offer your clients a comprehensive, lightweight email marketing system, built directly into their WordPress installation. How much value do you think this would add to their business? The packs a lot of punch for a plugin. It allows you to gather unlimited subscribers within multiple mailing lists alongside built-in newsletter templates, custom opt-in fields, and the option to offer paid subscriptions. And because it’s built into WordPress, you can charge clients for the service and keep the profits for yourself. Pricing starts at $54.99 for a single domain, and $274.95 for unlimited sites.

想象一下,能够为您的客户提供直接内置于其WordPress安装中的全面,轻量级的电子邮件营销系统。 您认为这将为他们的业务增加多少价值? 了很多帮助。 它使您可以在多个邮件列表中收集无限的订阅者,以及内置的新闻通讯模板,自定义的选择加入字段以及提供付费订阅的选项。 而且由于它是WordPress内置的,您可以向客户收取服务费用,并自己保留利润。 单个域名的起价为54.99美元,无限站点的起价为274.95美元。

A / B主题测试插件 (A/B Theme Testing Plugin)


It’s true, internet marketing is getting tougher. A successful site is no longer determined by the amount of hits it receives, but rather the amount of conversions it produces. For those of you who are new to split testing (also known as A/B testing) this plugin is a great way to get your feet wet. The put it simply, the allows you to upload two or more similar theme layouts and split the traffic evenly between them. Combined with Google Analytics, you can see which theme converts better, and maximize your marketing efforts. It costs $9.95, plus $3 per month for support and upgrades.

没错,互联网营销正变得越来越困难。 成功的网站不再由其获得的点击量决定,而是由其产生的转化量决定。 对于那些不熟悉拆分测试(也称为A / B测试)的人来说,此插件是使您湿透的好方法。 简而言之, 可让您上传两个或多个相似的主题布局,并在它们之间平均分配流量。 结合使用Google Analytics(分析),您可以查看哪个主题转换效果更好,并最大程度地进行营销。 费用为9.95美元,加上每月3美元的支持和升级费用。

Pinterest专业版 (Pinterest Pro)


Saving the best for last? Sort of :) Pinterest is ramping up to be the next social networking phenomenon, and what better way to leverage its traffic than to have it fully integrated into your WordPress installation? supports shortcodes and template tags for all available “pin” and “follow” buttons as well as a tinyMCE toolbar plugin and sidebar widgets to display boards on your site. With claims that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined, the possibilities are truly endless. Pricing starts at $5 for a regular license, and $25 for an extended license.

把最好的留到最后? Pinterest正在逐渐成为下一个社交网络现象,还有什么比将其完全集成到WordPress安装中更好的方式来利用其流量呢? 支持所有可用的“固定”和“跟随”按钮的短代码和模板标签,以及tinyMCE工具栏插件和侧栏小部件,以在您的网站上显示面板。 声称Pinterest带来的引荐流量比LinkedIn,Google +和YouTube的总和还多,因此可能性是无限的。 普通许可证的起价为5美元,扩展许可证的起价为25美元。

So there you have it!


Sure, there are tons of free WordPress plugins that enable you to do amazing things with your website—but in my experience, going premium usually means better support, frequent updates, and a community of users that are glad to lend a hand!


Are there any other premium WordPress plugins you feel should have made the list? Feel free to share your recommendations in the comments below.

您是否应该将其他高级WordPress插件列入清单? 欢迎在下面的评论中分享您的建议。



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